One More and One Less Order
Compare two numbers up to 20.
Compare two numbers up to 20.
Compare two numbers up to 20.
Read and write numerals up to 100
Read and write numerals up to 100
Read and write numerals up to 100
Read and write numerals up to 100
Read and write numerals up to 100
Regroup sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of tens into hundreds
Regroup sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of tens into hundreds
Regroup sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of tens into hundreds
Compare two numbers up to 20
Compare two numbers up to 21
Compare two numbers up to 22
Compare two numbers up to 23
Order numbers up to 20 from smallest to greatest and vice versa
Order numbers up to 20 from smallest to greatest and vice versa
Order numbers up to 20 from smallest to greatest and vice versa
Order numbers up to 20 from smallest to greatest and vice versa
Order numbers up to 20 from smallest to greatest and vice versa
Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using concrete materials
Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using concrete materials
Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using concrete materials
Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using concrete materials
Count up to 10
Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
Visualize and add three one-digit numbers, with sums up to 20, using the grouping property of addition.
Visualize and add three one-digit numbers, with sums up to 20, using the grouping property of addition.
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