

Dancing Paper

Identify the effect of static electricity using common materials

Positions (2)

– Tell the location of objects using the words in, on, over, top, middle, and bottom

Shapes and Figures Chapter Test

Identify, name, and describe the four basic shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, and circle)
Compare and classify 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) figures according to common attributes

Mga Pagbati

Nagagamit ang mga salitang magandang umaga, magandang hapon, at magandanggabi sa tamang pagkakataon

Numbers 0 Through 100

Count up to 10. Read and write numerals up to 10. Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.


– Differentiate sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy tastes