Guess the Taste
– Differentiate sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy tastes
– Differentiate sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy tastes
The Solar System
– Differentiate sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy tastes
Tell the importance of taking care of the skin
– Classify things based on temperature (hotness or coldness), texture (roughness or smoothness), and hardness (hardness and softness)
– Identify the changes that happen as people grow
– Differentiate stages of growth and development
– Identify the foods people need to be healthy
– Identify the needs of people in order to live and growth
– Identify the ways fo keeping oneself safe– Identify the different safety measures to be observed at home, in school, and on the street
– Identify the ways fo keeping oneself safe– Identify the different safety measures to be observed at home, in school, and on the street
– Identify the different parts of a plant
– Identify the size of different plants
– Classify plants that grow on land, in water, or in air (on trees and rocks)
– Identify things that plants give
– Identify the things that the coconut tree gives
– Identify the needs of plants to live and grow
– Identify the needs of plants to live and grow
– Identify the needs of plants to live and grow
– Identify ways of taking care of plants
– Classify animals as pets, farm animals, or wild animals
– Classify animals as pets, farm animals, or wild animals
– Classify animals according to their habitats
Classify animals according to their habitats
Classify animals according to their habitats
– Classify animals according to their habitats
– Classify animals according to their habitats
– Classify animals according to their size (small, medium, and big)
– Classify animals according to their size (small, medium, and big)
– Identify the body parts of animals
– Identify the different body coverings of animals
– Identify the different body coverings of animals
– Classify animals according to their movements
– Identify the sounds of animals
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