

Missing Numbers

Count up to 10. Read and write numerals up to 10. Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.

How Objects Feel

– Classify things based on temperature (hotness or coldness), texture (roughness or smoothness), and hardness (hardness and softness)

Number Before a Given Number

– Identify and write the number that comes before a given number– Identify and write the number that comes between given numbers– Identify and write

Numbers 11 Through 100

Count up to 10. Read and write numerals up to 10. Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.

Titik Ii

– Natutukoy ang mga salitang nagsisimula sa letrang Ii– Nasasabi ang mga pangalan ng mga larawang nagsisimula sa letrang Ii

Number After a Given Number

– Identify and write the number that comes before a given number– Identify and write the number that comes between given numbers– Identify and write

Tens and Ones I

Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.

Word Building

Write the names of pictures that have the medial short /o/ sound

Tens and Ones II

Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.

Basic Needs

– Identify the needs of people in order to live and growth

Tens and Ones III

Recognize and represent numbers up to 100 using a variety of concrete and pictorial models.