Cyclone in a Bottle
Investigate how a typhoon moves Describe a weather disturbance
DIY Landform
Create a natural landform using different materials Describe the characteristics of a landform based on its structures
Dancing Paper
Identify the effect of static electricity using common materials
Speeds of Descending Objects
Predict whether heavier objects will fall faster than lighter objects due to gravitational force
Naked Egg
Explain the importance of hard-shelled eggs for animals that lay eggs.
Yeast Activation
Infer that yeast, like all living things, need food.
Do Liquids Have Mass?
Plan a simple scientific investigation to answer questions, such as “Do gases (like air) or liquids (like water) have mass?”, using appropriate simple science equipment, such as a balance, with…
Effects of Heat on Matter
Describe how heat energy affects matter
Describe the changes in the direction and length of shadows from a shadow stick Use the information to infer why the Sun changes position during a day
Your Own Weather Chart
Monitor weather conditions Record observations on weather conditions in a weather chart Make simple interpretations of the weather
Which Soil?
Identify the type of soil of that is good for the plants Describe how each soil holds water
The Rainbow Root System
Describe the function of the root system in plants
Changes in Matter
Determine the change that occurs in each material
Scientists on the Go
Identify a science invention and explain its impact on everyday life