Learning Objectives:

  • Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
  • Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
  • Visualize and add three one-digit numbers, with sums up to 20, using the grouping property of addition
  • Visualize and add two to three one-digit numbers horizontally and vertically.

  • Visualize and add two to three one-digit numbers horizontally and vertically.
    • Illustrate addition as “putting together or combining or joining sets.”
    • Visualize and add two one-digit numbers with sums up to 20 using the order and zero properties of addition
    • Visualize and add three one-digit numbers, with sums up to 20, using the grouping property of addition
    • Visualize and add two to three one-digit numbers horizontally and vertically.

    Activity Type:

    Fill-in The Blanks

    Total Items:


    Learning competencies:

    Compatible with

    QR Code

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